March 23, 2017

"Adeline" by The Shiver.

photo from here

Ladies and Gents,
      I am proud to announce that April will be really great because of the new album "Adeline" by one and only, The Shiver.
     "Adeline" will be released on April 4 2017 - important date so remember it.
   What do we already know about this album? Not much, to be honest. Yet, of course, yet. Tracklist, artwork, music generation. If you know any song by The Shiver [if not, check their YouTube channel], you know what you can expect on "Adeline" - rock, alternative, a bit of electronic, gothic, maybe also metal and post-rock. Of course it's always a surprise but so damn good surprise. Great music is always great, no matter what.


How Deep Is Your Heart, How Deep Is Your Soul
Light Minutes

      You can pre-order this album here and now so do it. Do it right now! Just go here and buy it. Is it worthwhile!

      And don't forget about their tour, Confessions Europe Tour, where they will be a support act for Sonic Syndicate! GO PEOPLE GO!

   So who is excited because of their concerts and upcoming new album? đŸ€˜

      You can find all news on their official page, official FB page, Twitter, Instagram.

music is my passion & inspiration
only music saves

March 18, 2017

NEWS: The Shiver ...and Confessions Tour.

new logo from here

   Ladies and Gents!
       I think that everyone waited for this news. At least the ones who know this band, The Shiver, and / or love good music. I guess this is not only a great news but this is the best news of the last days, maybe even of the last weeks. Because who isn't longing for the good music and for a great concerts?


Confessions Europe Tour


      As you can see The Shiver will be a support act for... Sonic Syndicate! Two great bands, one epic show. If you will have a chance to be a part of one [or more] of these concerts or if you don't know, is it worthwhile or not, I can say: GO PEOPLE GO! Go there and be a part of a remarkable experience and the perfect show. Why do I know that it will be so great? Because I know the band The Shiver and know that music is their passion and they are just awe-inspiring. That's why.

song ELECTRO#3 performed in Lyon

    So who is excited because of their concerts and upcoming new album? đŸ€˜

More info about The Shiver and all the news: official page, official FB page, Twitter, Instagram.


music is my passion & inspiration
only music saves